CentOS 7. Did you know…?

This post is just a reminder of some things that you may have not noticed when working with CentOS 7. I’ll be updating it from time to time.

  • Remember those times when you had to use nohup with a command so it could run on the background even if you closed the shell from where it was launched? That’s no longer needed with CentOS 7, if you have a background job and you close that shell, the process will run! No more nohup needed.
  • You can use yum to install locally rpm files you’ve downloaded so dependencies are installed automatically. We used to use yum localinstall but now you can use yum install right away.

2 thoughts on “CentOS 7. Did you know…?

  1. marco says:

    Could you please give some more details?
    I know that in *nix, nohup is a way to send your commands to background so that you can continue while the command will keep on executing in background. After that you can safely log out

    The syntax is:
    nohup command-name &

    When you re-login again, you can check the status of command, bring it back to foreground using ‘fg %JOBID’ to monitor its progress and so on.

    Do you mean that with Centos7 is enough to do:

    command &

    Where did you find this information?



    • n40lab says:

      Hi!, I’ve been testing some commands for my Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator. I’ve always used nohup to keep my processes running once my shell was closed. But… I’ve opened two ssh terminals and I’ve run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null & in one terminal. Then I’ve closed the ssh session and using ps and top on the second terminal… that command was still there running on the background! Unfortunately I haven’t found any info about that behaviour. Please try it, if it works for you let me know, I want to keep this info accurate! Thanks for reading!


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